Tuesday 3 March 2020

Using Python 3

Today i learnt how to independently draw a flow chart, I also learnt how to put in programmes to do mathematical equations.
NumA = input("please enter the first number.")
NumB = input("please enter the second number.")
Add = int(NumA) + int(NumB)
print ("Addition: " + str(Add))
Sub = int(NumA) - int(NumB)
print("Subtraction: " + str(Sub))
Mul = int(NumA) * int(NumB)
print("Multiplication: " + str(Mul))
Div = int(NumA) / int(NumB)
print("Division: " + str(Div))
After that, I tried to create a program that calculated the circumference of a circle if a radius was entered into the program (it isn't finished).
NumA = input("please enter the radius of a circle")
Diameter = int(NumA) * 2
print ("Multiplication: " + str(Diameter))

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Using Python 2

This lesson we drew flow charts which showed us an idea of how programmes work, after that we used python to create a simple program which when run, will display the name we entered into the program.
I learnt that in programming, characters are counted from 0, not 1. i also learnt that there are different shapes that we use in flow charts to represent different commands.

Tuesday 28 January 2020

Using Python 1

Today i ran some programs using Python, i ran a program that printed letters to make a Christmas tree.
Here is my program:
print("hello world")
print("                                 I")
print("                                III")
print("                               IIIII")
print("                              IIIIIII")
print("                               IIIII")
print("                             IIIIIIIII")
print("                            IIIIIIIIIII")
print("                                 O") 
print("                                 O")
print("                                 O")

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Scratch reflection and evaluation


Were you able to create the game you planned?

-I changed some of my plan so it isn't the same as the original plan. I changed it because the original plan was too hard and would take too long to complete.

Describe 2 problems that you overcame when creating your scratch game?

1. A lot of sprites would be on the wrong layers like they would be behind or in front of another sprite which they weren't supposed to be on. I solved this problem by using a block that moves sprite forwards or backwards or by a layer or to the first or last layer.

2. On the second level that was the first "lava"i put in the game, at first, the sprite wouldn't die after touching the lava the sprite would just go through it. To solve this problem i used a sensing block and a motion block, every time the sprite touched the orange lava, the sprite would automatically go to a designated spot.

What have you learnt about programming during the project?

- Programming is pretty easy once you get the hang of it

-If you forget or put a block in the wrong place, the whole game might not work

If you were to create another game, what would you do differently

-I would make more levels and have other sprites that would kill me instead of lava only

Monday 4 November 2019

Scratch game: First reflection

What scripts did I use?  
I used motion, looks, event, sensing, control, and sound scripts.

What problems have you come up against?
-Sometimes, the programme doesn't go how you think it will go and it is hard to find out what is wrong with the code. 
-I don't always know what blocks to use for certain things

How did you solve these problems?
I searched Google and watched YouTube and sometimes I used trial and error.

What have you learned about programming in general?
It isnt very easy and it will not always go the way you want.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Game plan

My ideas:

-escape the *thing* or kill the *thing* or chase it
thing = fruit

-complete the obstacles
avoid things
climb things

-collect *special stuff*
water droplets

-go through different *backgrounds* *landscapes*
colourful but not to bright
lake/water nature thing
and more...

-each stage gets harder
like on extra jump

-find the button in every stage to proceed to the next game

-stages with multiples of 10 have timers and an *evil thing* chasing you, if you don't complete the level in time, you die (start over from level 1)
these type of stages are easier

Thursday 22 August 2019

Scratch game review

'Dig straight down'

In the game, all you have to do is dig for gold and go lower and lower underground. The game was pretty enjoyable but can get boring after sometime, the graphics weren't the best, the words were very hard to read and the instructions aren't clear. They could improve by; having a more interesting aim of the game, having readable words, making the instructions clearer so the person playing the game wont have to figure it out themselves. Overall, the game was decent and good for you to play when you're bored.