Tuesday 14 January 2020

Scratch reflection and evaluation


Were you able to create the game you planned?

-I changed some of my plan so it isn't the same as the original plan. I changed it because the original plan was too hard and would take too long to complete.

Describe 2 problems that you overcame when creating your scratch game?

1. A lot of sprites would be on the wrong layers like they would be behind or in front of another sprite which they weren't supposed to be on. I solved this problem by using a block that moves sprite forwards or backwards or by a layer or to the first or last layer.

2. On the second level that was the first "lava"i put in the game, at first, the sprite wouldn't die after touching the lava the sprite would just go through it. To solve this problem i used a sensing block and a motion block, every time the sprite touched the orange lava, the sprite would automatically go to a designated spot.

What have you learnt about programming during the project?

- Programming is pretty easy once you get the hang of it

-If you forget or put a block in the wrong place, the whole game might not work

If you were to create another game, what would you do differently

-I would make more levels and have other sprites that would kill me instead of lava only

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